Will USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) or other Aircraft Carrier Serve as Stage for President to Address the Country about Sequestration

     A review of sequestration media coverage over the last month finds the US carrier fleet right in the budget battle bull's eye.  My post yesterday restates the reported budget impact on the decommissioning of the USS Enterprise (CVN-65) (It is visible in the picture above to the left rear of the Lincoln's bridge). Currently, The Nimitz class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) (pictured above) is in port awaiting overhaul and refueling. The mainline media reports that President Obama's scheduled visit next week to the Newport News Shipyard will drive home, bring light to, and motivate a fix to the current fiscal crisis. 
     The USS Abraham Lincoln is the fifth built Nimitz class carrier.  it was launched in 1988 and commissioned November 11, 1989.  Its been deployed in the Pacific and Indian Oceans as well as the Arabian and Persian Gulf.  It was the first nuclear powered carrier to moor at Naval Station Everett, where it was assigned until 2011 when it deployed to the Middle East before heading to Virginia.  
     The USS Abraham Lincoln also served as a stage for President George W. Bush in 2003 when he flew aboard the ship and delivered his "Missioned Accomplished" speech wherein he stated that major combat operations in Iraq had ended.  Time will tell (a very short time) whether President Obama will use the same stage (or another nuclear powered aircraft carrier) to address the American people over the major fiscal issue impacting all aspects of our lives from food and shelter to defense.
You can learn more about the USS Abraham Lincoln by visiting: 
You can also see more Aircraft Carrier, F/A-18 Hornet, Travel and other Photography by visiting:


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